August 3, 2018
Good Times & Good Music!

Join us for the Peace Country Gospel Jamboree and enjoy performances by Jeff & Sheri Easter, Midsouth, Freedom Singers, The Daae Family, Bobby Bowen Family Band, The Willms Family, Edith Fehr, Three & Company, and The Szackas Family.
August 3rd – 5th, 2018 at Happy Trails Campground & Cabins Group Area.
June 29, 2017
Josh Turner & High Valley, with opening local band Night Ryder, outdoor concert at Happy Trails Campground & Cabins.
Brought to you by Happy Trails RV.
Tickets available at Revolution Place Box Office or the Campground office.
Adults $100
Children 6 – 12 $50
Dry event.
August 1, 2013
Outdoor Concert at Happy Trails Campground & Cabins | Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada (Click for Details)
August 5, 2012
Community Wide Church Service
Sunday, August 5th beginning at 10:00am.
Worship will be led by Jon Bauer,
followed by a guest speaker, Dr. Dave Currie of “Doing Family Right”.
In the afternoon, enjoy Southern Gospel with “Sweet Presence” and Contemporary Christian Music with Dan Bremnes.